martes, 15 de noviembre de 2022

My Carriages Collection Part IV, For The Sims 4

 Happy Tuesday My Lovelies !!!

I Have Been Inspired By a Dear Friend, Filipe, Recently From Portugal, Lisbon Has One Of The Largest Coach Museum In The World, If It´s Not The Largest Already. Amongst So Many Beauties I Made This One Particular, That Happened To Be The Princess Maria Francisca´s, daughter of Duke Charles Amadeus of Savoy and cousin of King Louis XIV of France. She Became One of the most controversial Portuguese queens ever. She Married King Alfonso VII, But Palace intrigues and the obvious inability of Alfonso VII to reign, or even to leave descendants, led Pedro to seize power for himself, as Regent on his brother's behalf, with the queen's complete connivance.

Anyway, I Hope You Like It & Have a Fantastic Simmie Week !!! I Also Added a Cherry Tree, I Had Forgotten Last Week, Turned Out To Be In The Pics But I Didn´t Uploaded It LOL Until Now. It is Spring Where I Live !!!

Lots Of Love,



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