viernes, 16 de junio de 2023

Henri Picard Kitchen Complete, for The Sims 4

 Henri Picard Kitchen Complete !!

And FRIDAY !!!!! Yaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssss !!!!

The final piece we needed, besides a new wallpaper, flooring tiles from the Hermitage musseum, and a bust from princess Augusta. The main table for our kitchen set is ready !!! It´s been an amazing journey creating a whole set from one single texture, as you all see with the very same motives. Another kitchen worthy for our palaces ?... yaaaay I hope so !!!!

Well my friends, I hope you have a beautiful weekend full of sims stories !!!

Lots of LOVE 4 ALL !!!!



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The Cabinet Weeks !!! for The Sims 4

 Coming soon !!!!!