viernes, 13 de octubre de 2023

The throne Room recolours and more, for The Sims 4

 The Throne Room recolours

Hello everyone !!

First of all, we want to say we're sorry it's taken us some time to get back to you with the recolours for this special room. The thing is that we've been extremely busy with a lot of things going on in our daily lives !!

But now here we are, with a lot of swatches for the panels, the window arches, the door tops which we added, even a new design for it, the fireplace, the door and the frieze !!!

Now you can play with a lot more options that will make your palace look fantastic !!

We have just uploaded the pictures of the door as a reference for you all to see the different colours that have been added to every item !!!

Just download the new items and replace the old ones.

We also wanted to share with you this candelabra set that works like a holder and candle in separate items, for you to play with them as you wish !!!

You can place candles of your own too if you want and even little lamps.

We think it gives more realism to the game and looks awesome !!!

We hope you like it !!!!

Last but not least !!!

We have added this lovely collection of AC inspired flooring tiles which go perfectly with our palace rooms !!

In lots of swatches for you to enjoy !!!

Have fun everyone and let us know what you think in the comments, we love hearing from you !!!


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The Cabinet Weeks !!! for The Sims 4

 Coming soon !!!!!