martes, 12 de diciembre de 2023

Notre Dame Part II, Bell Tower Decor, For The Sims 4

 NOTRE DAME Set Part II - Bell Tower Decor

Hiiii everyone !!

Starting a new week with a wonderful surprise for you all !!

We, myself and the very talented Stereo91 have completed the tower at the top of the amazing Notre Dame building and along with this, a masterpiece of gothic art set !!!

We have included :

* 1 Original Gargoyle

* High Tower

* Roof Part

* Buttress matching our gothic railing

* 2 Bell tower supporting lower walls, one with windows decor and another with just bricks

* Bridge for the walls structure

You can put the pieces as you want but we are also leaving you the building attached here too, in case it gets difficult and you just want to place it like a lot.

Our lovely SimsterDame is READY !!!!!

ENJOY !!!!!



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The Cabinet Weeks !!! for The Sims 4

 Coming soon !!!!!