jueves, 3 de febrero de 2022

Magic & Notes

Suddenly one night... 

the muses woke up... 

from the stone, 

and there he was..

He alone.. 

and in front of him, the piano

the big...

 the magestic...

the beautiful, piano...

And so ...he got lost, 

                                in space & time

of music

Hael fell from the skies ...

and went straight up again

in notes,

 and he played... 

and played... 

and played

and there 

she was

She ...

whom only atention,

could be caught ...

by Music.


Piano & Statues 


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NEWS everyone !!!

 Hello all the lovely people out there !!!! I know lots of you still have the DX11 problem when you want to play and your game crashes, beca...