viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2022

Grand Estates Set Special Red & Gold, For The Sims 4

 Happy Friday Sunshines !!!!!!

I was going through beautiful pictures and suddenly found my chair inside Buckingham Palace LOL... and I saw the real canopy that suits it, I said OH MY GOD I had to bring it to our simmies of course and after exploring this room I noticed it has my favourite colors, that you know already of course, LOL Red and Gold, so I decided it would be perfect for Christmas !!!! I ended up making this set composed with :

- Wallpaper

- Throne Canopy

- Royal Poof

- ArmsChairs In two Opossite positions and one in the middle

- Large Painting

- Column

Once again, I hope you have a ROYAL CHRISTMAS for your simmies !!! They deserve it !!!

Lots of Love



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Charles Boulle and Re-meshes for The Sims 4

Hello everyone !!  The reality is that I have been struggling with my computer for the last weeks, it's been about 40 degrees lately and...