jueves, 9 de febrero de 2023

Louis XVI Vase, Belle Epoque Wall Angel, Renaissance Oak Bar For The Sims 4

 Happy Thursday !!!!!

Little details this time that I hope you like !!! I am begining with bass relief modelling processes, still not so complicated as a statue, but it´s a start !! LOL Let´s hope someday I can be good enough for statues, they do take such a long long time to design.  Anyway, it´s already the day before the last day until we get to the weekend !! that sounded like a long trip to somewhere LOL so we´re amost one day away from knowing the name of this special set, named like this special person that is dedicated for. Yaaaaaaaaaaaay !!!!!! I can´t be happier !!!

Lots of LOTS of LOTS OF LOVE my friends!!!



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The Cabinet Weeks !!! for The Sims 4

 Coming soon !!!!!