viernes, 31 de marzo de 2023

Amazing Doors Collection Week Part V, The Church Door

 Amazing Doors Collection Week Part V

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaappy fridaaaaaaaaay !!!!!!!!!!!

At last !! The weekend is loading !! LOL I hope you have a wonderful saturday and sunday !!! 

To complete this week´s collection we have the side entrance of the Catholic parish church of St. Martin in Weismain in Upper Franconia. It´s very similar to our simmie door from base game but well... bit bigger maybe ?

Anyway, I have loved making doors and planning to make a whole set for a cathedral next week, also with another door and the iconostasis too I am so excited !!!

Have a lovely weekend my friends and happy simming !!!!!!



jueves, 30 de marzo de 2023

Amazing Doors Collection Week Part IV, for The Sims 4

 Happy Thursdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay !!!!!!

One day left for the weekend !!! LOL
Introducing you all today this wonderfully ornate blue and gold vintage door which is one of the unique entrances to the University of Wroclaw in Poland. I would have loved making a mansion for every single door of this week´s collection, they all are so beautiful I hope you can enjoy them all like this !!!!
Wishing you a happy day my friends and happy simming of course !!!!
Lots of LOVE !!!

miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2023

Amazing Doors Collection Week Part III, The Red Door, for The Sims 4

 Happy wednesday everyone !!!!!!

I think I´ve found a million ways to re-create this door in our simmies before, with the wallpaper and as a texture too of an EA mesh... Well now, I´ve come to make the exact design in 3d shape !!!! It was about timeeee !!! LOL

I just love this door, it´s amazing in real life, I hope you love it too !!!

Lots of LOVE !!!!!



martes, 28 de marzo de 2023

Amazing Doors Collection Week Part II, for The Sims 4

                                     Hiiiii my fellow simmies !!! I hope you´re all well.

I have tried to resize both this door and the last posted yesterday but it kinds of loses its original shape, so I left them this way. I believe they are big castles and palaces doors so they´re gonna keep like that. Although you will find them in the small doors catalog, they are working as tall ones, perfectly. 

If anyone has though of a special door who would like to tell me to do for our simmies, I am all ears you already know. 

Have a lovely tuesday my friends !!!!



lunes, 27 de marzo de 2023

Amazing Doors Collection Week Part I, for The Sims 4

Happy week everyone !!! 

This week we´re going to open doors !!!! The most amazing ones in the world !! As usual, remember to look for it with the search tab by the name of the file, the same you download. Ever since I learned how to make doors I am so amazed by them I just love making doors !!!! LOL

So we have a very interesting collection for this week, of different doors in different parts of the world, if somebody recognice any of them please tell me LOL 

Wishing you ALL a new successful week with simmie vibes of course !!!!!



sábado, 25 de marzo de 2023

Ballroom set, arches, columns and door for The Sims 4

 Happy Saturday !!!!

Hiiiiii everyone !!! I know you all wonder why I didn´t post yesterday, thing is I woke up and turned on my computer and my monitor was dead, no reaction at all, sadly I had it for more than 10 years LOL so his time finally arrived and he said goodbye. I was all morning waiting for the new one so here we are, posting again LOL

 Following Versailles windows and arches I wanted to do something similar for this ballroom, so I hope you like it !! You can use these arches for the windows, for the doors, or even to place abobe my round mirrors like the pictures !! Also a wooden door with angels of course, to make it different from the white patterns and the columns to place them next. 

Anyway, my dear simmie fellows, I hope you have a simtastic weekend !!!!!!

Lots of LOVE !!!!



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The Cabinet Weeks !!! for The Sims 4

 Coming soon !!!!!