jueves, 5 de enero de 2023

Belle Bed-Room, For The Sims 4

 Belle Room

Happy Thursday My Lovies !!!

I am so excited about this set I couldn´t wait until friday !! LOL This room is just MAGICAL !!! I know it´s funny maybe how one bed can be sofa, chair, bed, everything ... The little statues that you will find in tables, to place things on them, like lamps or flower vases, ended up like the ones in the hall of mirrors from Versailles !! It´s something I wanted to do, for so long !!! and this is the closest I ever got so far !!! I hope you find them a special corner or hallway in your palaces !!! I loved re-meshing EA´s original obejcts it´s so much fun !!!!

Anyway, my friends, I´m working in something very special I hope I can finish for tomorrow or next monday, that I have never done before, just like happened with the carriages, LOL I AM VERY VERY EXCITED to show you !!! LOLOL 

Wishing you a lovely beautiful weekend for everyone !!!!

Lots of LOVE



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The Cabinet Weeks !!! for The Sims 4

 Coming soon !!!!!